Patient’s Friends Society-Jerusalem and survivors from the Sunrise breast cancer support group held the first Palestinian Breast Cancer Awareness Event on Sunday, October 11th, at the Ramallah Cultural Palace. The goals were to raise awareness about the importance of early detection, celebrate life, and show how women are currently facing their diagnosis and treatment.
HE Majeda Al Masri, the Minister of Social Affairs, opened the day with an address on the importance of early detection. She then joined approximately 400 people in the March to Celebrate Life. Next, a lecture on early breast cancer detection was delivered by Dr. Sahar Araj Marzouka, an obstetrician/gynecologist. Several breast cancer survivors also shared their experiences with the audience.
Thanks to Dar Films and the World Health Organization they screened the film ‘Fatenah’ during the event. It’s the first Palestinian animated film and conveys the story of one young woman’s tragic breast cancer outcome. The film was well received and made quite an impact on the audience.
The day closed with classical music performances and a raffle.
The event participants came from all over the country--men, women, youth, and children. Thanks to the generosity of many supporters, many of the local businesses, but also TIPH (the temporary international presence in Hebron), the American Colony Hotel, and the Housing Bank ( Jordan), they were able to bus them to Ramallah—a first for many!
Preparing for Patient Friends Society's 11 October 2009 event- Photo Carol Jabari