Friday, October 17, 2008

IVLP Women Discuss Breast Cancer

Seven women from the Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), came to ICF International on Thursday, October, 16th to discuss breast cancer in their respective countries.

As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the women participating in the October program are all involved in the fight against breast cancer in their countries, which include:
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Palestinian Territories
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Syria

Following a presentation of the US-Middle East Partnership by ICF International, the discussion focused on breast cancer related issues of each country represented in the room. The diverse expertise of the group led to an interesting exchange of information ranging from the need for Oncology nurses in Syria, to the growing network of Egyptian medial students involved in raising breast cancer awareness on college campuses.

It is clear that the amount of work being done in these countries is unknown and unrecognized, particularly outside of the region. Contrary to popular belief, activities promoting the fight against breast cancer are being undertaken, and have been successful in communities throughout the Middle East. The challenge at this point is to inform entities outside of local communities of what is being done, so that there can be national and/or regional coordination where progress is being made.

In order to build upon successes and lessons learned of medical and advocacy groups throughout the Middle East, information needs to be shared. Forums for discussion such as the IVLP program are valuable in that they build bridges not only between the U.S. and the Middle East, but also between critical actors already active and mobile in the region.

If you are interested in joining a network of individuals and groups fighting breast cancer in the U.S. and the Middle East, join the:
Partnership and the Partnership Network

For more on the IVLP program, visit:

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